A privately‐held company that was newly acquired by a Fortune 500 company
A new president who rose through the ranks of the target company
A traditional management culture (a.k.a. a command‐and‐control style)
US$0.5B annual gross revenues. 5,000 employees. Three major operations divisions.
Create high‐performance people practices
Build leadership competencies and bench strength
Ready the organization for a dramatically heightened competitive environment
Become employer‐of‐choice in, what was for them, a newly competitive environment
Become a premiere entertainment destination
Blueprint for Achievements
Phase I: Discovery
Organizational Audit, Organizational Survey, and 80 interviews
Competitive analysis
Benchmarking and Gap Analysis
Phase II: Leadership Signs On
Debriefed Leadership Cabinet as a group
Then a debrief of each Divisional leader by CEO, VP of HR, & tGCP
Gap Analysis conducted for each Division
Phase III: Development of Change Strategy
Cabinet retreats: Vision, Mission, and Core Values
Strategic Business Plan crafted
Organizational Performance Scorecard designed
Each Division devised a roll‐out strategy
Phase IV: Alignment of the Organization
One‐on‐one coaching of top three levels of management re: “walking the values”
Executives debriefed the entire organization
Summary of Strategic Plan distributed to 5,000 employees
Multiple Response Initiative Teams (RITs) formed to own/execute various parts of the roll‐out strategy
Built dozens of new communication channels
Phase V: Implementation, Integration, and Coordination
Institute Succession Planning and Development Initiate Upward Evaluation process for supervisors/managers
Form cross‐functional Marketing Team
Form Customer Service Task Force
Deliver Customer Service Training to the entire company
Implement Mystery Customer Study
Refine compensation system
Launch RITs: One Division identifies 27 key action items
Phase VI: Consolidation, Evaluation, and Refinement
Maintain high‐level of feedback: 360°, upward evaluations, customer data, repeat employee survey, etc.
Monitor Organizational Performance Scorecard progress
Continually improve: Came online during the second year—mentoring program, daycare center, company store, enhanced recruiting selection protocols, Customer Service II, etc.